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    until锛?till, not untill鐢ㄦ硶鍖哄埆鏄粈涔堬紵

    发布日期:2025-01-04 11:51    点击次数:170

    回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 until ,till鍜宯ot untill鐨勫尯鍒細1銆乼ill / until鍦ㄨ〃杈炬柟寮忓拰鎰忎箟涓婄殑鐗规畩鎬э細until鏄痶ill鐨勫己璋冨舰寮忥紝浣嗘槸瀹冧滑琛ㄨ揪鐨勬剰涔夋槸鐩稿悓鐨勶紝閮借〃绀?quot;鐩村埌鏌愭椂"銆?br />2銆佸綋涓诲彞鏄惁瀹氬彞鏃讹紝瀹冨紩鍑虹殑鎰忔€濇槸"鐩村埌锛堟煇鏃讹級锛堟煇鍔ㄤ綔锛夋墠锛堝彂鐢燂級" 锛岃繖鏃跺€欏父浼氬嚭鐜?quot;not until 鈥?quot;鐨勭粨鏋勶紝濡傛灉灏?"not until 鈥?quot;鐨勭粨鏋勬斁鍦ㄥ彞棣栵紝閭d箞涓诲彞瑕佸啓鎴愬€掕鍙ャ€?br />3銆乁ntil鍙敤浜庡彞棣栵紝鑰宼ill閫氬父涓嶇敤浜庡彞棣栥€?br />4銆乁ntil when 鐤戦棶鍙ヤ腑锛寀ntil瑕佹斁鍦ㄥ彞棣栥€?br />鎵╁睍璧勬枡锛?br />Until閫犲彞绀轰緥濡備笅锛?br />1銆両 backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back 鎴戝皬蹇冪考缈煎湴鍚庨€€锛岀洿鍒版劅瑙夊悗鑳岀鍒颁簡澧欏銆?br />2銆乄e stood in the doorway until our eyes adjusted 鎴戜滑绔欏湪闂ㄥ彛鐩村埌鐪肩潧閫傚簲浜嗗厜绾跨殑鍙樺寲銆?br />3銆乁ntil next payday, I was literally without any money. 鍒颁笅涓彂钖棩鍓嶏紝鎴戠湡鐨勬病鏈変竴鐐瑰効閽变簡銆?br />4銆乄hy don't you come home with me until you sort things out? 浣犱綍涓嶅厛鍜屾垜涓€璧峰洖瀹讹紝绛変簨鎯呰В鍐充簡鍐嶈蛋锛?br />5銆両t has taken until now to pin down its exact location 鐩村埌鐜板湪鎵嶇‘瀹氫簡瀹冪殑鍑嗙‘浣嶇疆銆?br />Not until閫犲彞绀轰緥濡備笅锛?br />1銆丯ot until we pointed out their fault to them did they realize it. 鐩村埌鎴戜滑鍚戜粬浠寚鍑轰簡浠栦滑鐨勯敊璇紝浠栦滑鎵嶆剰璇嗗埌銆?br />2銆丯ot until you shot fisher. 鐩村埌浣犲紑鏋潃浜嗚垂甯屽皵銆?br />3銆丯ot until then, had I heard anything of what happened. 鐩村埌閭f椂锛屾垜鎵嶅惉鍒板彂鐢熶簡浠€涔堜簨鎯呫€?br />4銆両t was not until he came that I left. 鐩村埌浠栨潵鎴戞墠绂诲紑銆?br />5銆両t was not until yesterday that I realized what trouble he was in. 鐩村埌鏄ㄥぉ鎴戞墠鐭ラ亾浠栨湁浠€涔堥夯鐑︺€?

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